Time sure dose fly, Venus is now nearly three and Skye almost two. Skye is so cute in his little suite and unlike Venus he doesn't scream and try to run away when you dress him, still at least both of them are on solids now. What with the two surprises we need all the milk formula in the house...
The one with Mars is Jupiter and the one I am feeding is Saturn. Yes we are now the proud parents of twin baby girls! The only thing is both girls have a intolerance to dairy and have to have a special formula, the doctors say they might grow out of it but we can't tell yet.
Skye was only six months old when I became very tried and didn't feel right. Unlike my previous pregnancies I wasn't sick and because we weren't trying for a baby I never thought I could be with child, I quick trip to the doctors confirmed that I was. Mars and I were shocked but very happy.
They children were all asleep in Pi's old room, there are four cribs in there now and it's getting quiet full. Mars says maybe we should move but I don't want to and we won't be able to afford a house just yet, we have been arguing a lot about it.
"Cass you know you don't want to move?"
If he has brought a house or flat without telling me he defiantly in the dog house!
"I have a surprise"
He took me down the stairs, you see our flat covers the whole of the converted loft and then down stairs in the living room you have a hallway with two flats and then more stairs to another two flats before going down more stairs to the garages and the exit. He stopped at the end of the hallway just bellow of our flat, one door behind me another behind Mars.
"Well where are we?" he asked,
"Outside Old Mrs Wright's flat and the newlyweds' flat"
He opened the door to the flat that the newlyweds' own and gestured for me to walk in.
The flat was bare and dark as if there was no one living in there. What happened to the young couple, newlyweds, who Pi helped move in five years back? As if seeing my confusion Mars coughed,
"The previous couple have moved out, the husband had inherited a house somewhere"
"So what has that got to do with us?"
"I brought this flat, so the children can have a bedroom each"
The big space we stood in which was the kitchen/living/dinning room I could easily picture as a playroom, one door lead on to a bathroom and the other two empty rooms I could see as a bedrooms. One for the girls and one for Skye, I smiled everything was pretty good.
A year later...
"Being called Venus is pretty cool I think"
It was September and school loomed for my little girl now, she was four at the moment but turned five in the school term so school was where she was heading. First she had moaned about the uniform and now she was worried what people would think of her name.
"Mum you have to think it's cool you chose to call me that"
I put Saturn in her crib and turned round watching Venus play with Skye, I yawned and prayed that tonight I wouldn't be woken up at three in the morning again.
"Come on Venus you will be fine now let be put Skye to bed"
She got up but with a confused look on her face,
"Mum, what if people think I'm adopted"
"Why would they think that?"
"Well you have white/grey hair, Dad and my siblings have pink hair and I have peachy coloured hair"
I sighed, she would need to eventually.
"Honey, you have peachy hair because you have a different Dad to the others"
"What do you mean?"
"Well I fell pregnant with my best friend Pi but I realised I didn't want to be with him as he was just my friend and then I met Mars and we got married"
She simply said "Oh" and left.
I told Mars to talk to her,
"Hey Venus, Mum said she told you about Pi"
she nodded,
"Listen I don't want to interrupt your game but we need to talk, you see when I met your Mum you were in her tummy and even though you weren't mine and I hadn't even met you yet I knew I was going to love you and look after you when Pi couldn't"
"Mum says Pi is dead"
"He is honey but we sounded like a great guy and I promised him when I spoke to him on the phone once I would look after you as if I was your real dad"
Mars' speech nearly had me in tears especially when Venus got up and hugged Mars.
"I love you Dad"
"I love you too Venus"
Once again Mars and I were in the nursery at three in the morning when they were settled we looked at our little darlings.
"You know what they are the cutest"
"your pretty cute to and the way you were with Venus yesterday was brilliant"
Mars smiled and locked me in a embrace
"you know Cass five kids sounds nice"
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